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Soul Family, welcome~

My journey into holistic wellness began with Reiki, Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and divination, a path that has been deeply transformative. These sacred tools have profoundly shaped my life, and I am honored to share their wisdom with you.


I invite you to HARMONY - my newsletter, where I document my discoveries and explore stories that bridge the spiritual and physical realms. 

I now offer Astrology readings as my practice. Channeling the ancient science of Vedic astrology in an investigative, transformative way. These sessions provide guidance for those seeking clarity, purpose and self-alchemy.


Service menu and booking portal below:


✸ Vedic Astrology

● Birth Chart Reading 出生星盤解讀
   1 hour
   $111 usd / $888 hkd

Astrocartography (World Map) + Birth Chart Reading   
   1.5 hour
 usd / $888 hkd 

● Deep Divers
   Birth Chart + Transit + Astrocartography Readings

   2.5 hours
   $222 usd / $1777 hkd

** Readings can be live on Google Meet or in-person sessions. All sessions are voice recorded for future reference. All astrological analyzes are based on Sidereal Vedic System, in an investigative manner for personal alchemizing transformation.

✸ Reiki Healing
In-Person Reiki
● 90mins session: 60mins reiki receiving
with 15mins counseling/insight before and after.

Distance Reiki
Energy knows no bound, it is multidimensional and omnipresent. You can receive distance reiki anywhere anytime. 

​● 25mins distance reiki, no counseling
~ receive at your desired time

● 25mins distance reiki, with counseling on live call

​● 25mins distance reiki for homes, animals, events (past/future)
~ receive at your desired time

 Guided by intuition, my hands, your body, and an open heart is all we need. 

Sessions can be conducted in person, or through the quantum in distance. During Sessions, as the energy moves through you, you could be feeling:

tired / dizzy/ energetic / muscles twitching / itching / ache / burp / cough / sneeze

nostalgia / dreams / visions / sadness / tears / happyness / laughters / memory flashbacks

The experiences in sessions could be vastly different for everyone and every time. However the reactions and flow might be, it is for our hightest good, always.

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